Memory Box 2020
What’s in your Memory Box this year? We’d love for you to share it with us! The White River Valley Museum wants to preserve your photos, poems, experiences, and more from 2020.
Your objects and memories tell the story of what our community looked like this past year. You can help us document and preserve history by sharing digital content like:
Personal stories or copies of journal entries
Photos from your phone or camera
Sound or video recordings
Social media and blog posts
Art projects or photos of them
Poems or essays
Other digital things you would like to share that represent you and your experience!
Our community is living through historic events. Capturing your experiences today will help future generations understand what life was like in 2020. The digital content you share will become part of our permanent collection, which means that we will save it in our collections management system and it will be available for people to access for research, browse online, and could be used for future exhibits. You can share what is important to you right now, or you can use some of the below topics to get you started:
How has COVID-19 impacted you?
Have you been involved in any form of activism, protest, or social movement this year?
How will the 2020 election results impact you?
Were you or a loved one affected by the 2020 wildfires?
How has your daily life changed this year?
What are some positive moments for you in 2020?
What has been the most difficult part of 2020?
Have you captured any photos or written anything that you feel are representative of your experiences or community experiences this year?
We hope that you will consider contributing to our community’s documented history by donating digital content for our collection. We want YOU to shape the story of 2020 for future generations – your voice matters and no contribution is too small. Please use the Google Form to submit your content, if you have any questions or concerns don’t hesitate to reach out to our Curator of Collections.
We are looking for digital content to keep everyone safe and healthy at this time. If you would like to discuss a physical donation, please click here to visit our website and fill out the donation form.